miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

Without Acne Treatment Boston May Experience Scarring

By Christopher Powell

Pimples are the bane of the lives of many people, particularly teenagers and young women. Many dread the very idea of leaving home with a face that resembles a battlefield. Many sufferers will go to great lengths to hide their pimples and they will spend large amounts in various treatments. Unfortunately, pimples will affect most people but with proper acne treatment Boston patients will soon be able to face the world again.

Most people have misconceptions about what it is that causes pimples. They therefore base their precautions against pimples on erroneous data. Pimples are not caused by stress. They are not caused by dirt and they are not caused by sweat either. It is interesting to note that even the consumption of sugar, carbonated drinks and food that is generally considered to be unhealthy do not cause pimples.

There are many factors that can cause pimples. One of the main culprits is many types of cosmetics that clog the follicles, causing the oil glands to become inflamed. Many types of chemicals have the same effect. People that wear helmets, suspenders and other apparel that place pressure on the skin are prone to pimples. Unfortunately, in some cases pimples are hereditary and there is not much that can be done about the matter.

There are many preparations, medication and ointments that can be bought over the counter. The best route, however, is to see a dermatologist as soon as the problem manifests. He will assess the condition and prescribe remedies that will be effective. In many cases Retinoids are recommended because they are very effective in preventing the follicles from clogging. Oral contraceptives and antibiotics have also proven to be effective.

Other popular treatment therapies include the use of chemical peels that removes the outer layer of the skin. Unfortunately, this can cause blistering, redness and severe irritation of the skin. It may also be dangerous to opt for this treatment whilst using other medication such as Retinoids. Light therapy has also become increasingly popular and can, in some cases, be done at home.

The majority of people will recover from a bout of pimples without any ill effects. Some unfortunate sufferers, however, will be left with scarring. Dermatologists can do much to either lessen the prominence of the scars or to completely remove them. Chemical peels often help to remove superficial scars and to lessen the prominence of deeper ones. The injection of fillers can also help to stretch the skin, thus making the scars less visible.

here is no precaution that can be taken to guarantee that pimples will not develop, but a number of sensible steps can significantly reduce the likelihood of pimples appearing. Experts recommend the use of an exfoliating mask on a regular base. It is also important to wash the face several times each day, using a mild cleanser. Water based cosmetics are less likely to result in pimples.

Pimples are not health threatening but they can cause embarrassment and even anti social behaviour. This is especially the case if scarring results. The best cause of action is to see a reputable dermatologist the very moment that the problem surfaces.

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