viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016

Cardio or Weight Lifting For Fat Loss?

Which is better cardio or weightlifting for fat loss? Everybody who wants to lower his
body fat percentage has mastered the art of proper nutrition but on the other hand
they won't get good results unless they do exercises as well. A lot of people don't
have the results they want because they have a lack of motivation or they don't do the
workouts correct. To lose body fat fast you must do a combination of cardiovascular
workouts and weight lifting exercises. In the next parts of the article you discover
why and how to do it the correct way.
Cardio Exercises
Aerobic or cardio exercises are the only psychical activities that burn body fat
directly. Most diet programmes don't work because they starve the fat with low
calorie diets. What you must do is burn the fat with good exercises and feed the
muscle with good nutrition. A word of caution here some exercises are not so
effective to burn body fat think about tennis, basketball, yard work. They will help
you but they are not as effective as exercises like walking, jogging, spinning and so
on. The aerobic exercises should be done consciously for a period of at least thirty
minutes if your goal is fat loss. If your goal is to build muscles then twenty minutes
per session is enough.
Weight lifting
When you go on a calorie restricted diet without doing any weight training at all, you
will lose lean body mass. The real fat loss secret is not cardio, weight lifting or even a
combination. The secret is the combination of four elements: Cardio, weight training,
nutrition, motivational techniques and proper nutrition. During weight training
workouts you are burning primarily sugar but the real strength is that you burn fat
after the workout as well. Weight lifting is a very complex topic and it's nearly
impossible to lay down all the aspects of it in a single article or even in a single book.
What you must further now is that you must do between six or twelve reps if your
main goal is fat loss.
You have an idea know why you should do both weight lifting and aerobic exercises. Keep in mind that I haven't talked about nutrition another very important aspect of fat loss.
Professional trainer with 20 years of real world experience teaches you his secrets to lose fat and gain muscle.
Diets and pills do not work to lose body fat and starving yourself doesn't work either. Burn the fat, feed the muscle contains 340 pages, everything you need to know about nutrition, exercises and goal settings. You get information used by fitness models and bodybuilders.

By Frederik Smith

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