lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Trouble In Cardio Land

Is it just me or do the people that I see slaving on the cardio deck look out of shape? How about the "aerobic" queens, do they look the way you want to look?
Could it possibly be that we've been misled this entire time?
Is steady state, long term cardio the answer to our fat loss woes?
If you've gotten this far, I'm sure your either wondering what I'm talking about or have been that person I'm talking about above and are looking for a better way.
Let me assure you: there is a better way.
It's called interval training and if you haven't given it a shot, you could be missing out on one of the most important fat loss discoveries in the last decade.
What Is Interval Training?
Interval training involves doing cardio at different speeds. More specifically, you'll sprint for 15 seconds to 1 minute and then slow down and recover for 15 seconds to one minute. Now, there are many different ways and forms of interval training and there is no way that I could possibly cover them all in one sitting.
However, let me show you a quick and dirty 10 minute routine that is guaranteed to get your metabolism roaring.
The Simplest Form of Interval Training.
Find a recumbent bike and do a 2 minute warmup. Then, level up the resistance until it's really tough to pedal and go as fast as you can for 15 seconds to a minute. Level back down, slow down, and recover for the same time period. Level up again and repeat this cycle until you reach 8 minutes of total workout time. Do 2 minutes of cool down and your done...
Why Interval Training Works
Interval training (as well as weight training) helps to increase what's called Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. In other words, your body uses more oxygen because it has to recover more.
Oxygen consumption is a good indicator of metabolic rate and if you are using more oxygen on a daily basis, it's safe to say that your metabolism has increased (if only temporarily).
Did you know that you can have this metabolic effect for up to 72 hours AFTER you've finished exercising with interval training?
Did you know that the metabolic benefits of steady state cardio disappear within 30 minutes of you finishing your workout?
Exactly... which category would you prefer for your body to operate in.
Give interval training a try, you won't be disappointed in the results.

By Brad Howard

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